Hospital Anita Moreno

El nuevo Hospital Anita Moreno​, administrado por el Ministerio de Salud de Panamá, es un novedoso modelo de atención de salud mental que será pionero en Latinoamérica. Finalizará sus obras en el transcurso de este año 2017 con una capacidad de internación de 256 camas (120 en psiquiatría y 136 en área general).

El centro hospitalario beneficiará a una población de 200 mil habitantes de la región de La Villa de Los Santos (al suroeste de la ciudad de Panamá) y contará con tecnología de última generación en equipos e insumos médicos destinados a una unidad especializada en atención psiquiátrica, en los servicios de consulta externa, especialidades, urgencias, atención ambulatoria, cuidados intensivos, hospitalización, laboratorio y patología.

TecnologĂ­a KMC en automatizaciĂłn y control

El Hospital cuenta con un Sistema de Aire Acondicionado Central por agua fría de alta eficiencia, suministrado por la empresa GR Ingeniería de Panamá. Está compuesto por 56 manejadoras de aire, 585 cajas VAV (Volumen de Aire Variable), 4 Chillers Daikin con arranque tipo VFD air cooled screw compressor, c/u de 521 Ton, 4 bombas de 125 HP con VFD, dos trabajan en paralelo y dos de backup.

El proyecto de este Hospital estableciĂł que el aire acondicionado debĂ­a estar controlado por un sistema de control inteligente en red para poder operar eficientemente y de esa manera ahorrar energĂ­a. Al mismo tiempo, asegurar las condiciones de temperatura requeridas en los distintos ambientes, siendo el block quirĂşrgico y los laboratorios aspectos crĂ­ticos.

El sistema de control seleccionado y que se está instalando en todo el Hospital es de KMC Controls, con protocolo BACnet, incluye el control de cada caja VAV, control completo de las manejadoras, válvulas de control KMC, control de bombas y ventiladores, así como el monitoreo y habilitación de Chillers. La red KMC incluirá más de 640 controladores KMC con protocolo BACnet MS/TP y 22 routersBACnet de KMC, que forman la red IP BACnet, la cual se conectará con un servidor donde corre el software web TotalControl de KMC, con capacidad ilimitada de puntos, tags y accesos web. Tanto en la red informática local del Hospital o vía web, con interfaces gráfica intuitivas, se tendrán todos los datos al día de lo que sucede con el aire acondicionado y su consumo energético en todo el edificio. Además, quienes tienen las autorizaciones respectivas podrán interactuar con el sistema en forma local o remota.


Para cumplir con los estándares de calidad y los requisitos del proyecto del sistema de control se recurrió a la ingeniería de la empresa ISAI de Uruguay. Sus profesionales estudiaron los planos, la documentación y visitaron la obra para adecuar el proyecto básico a una solución a medida del cliente, cumpliendo con todos los requisitos con el menor costo posible. ISAI realizó la selección de cada uno de los equipos del sistema de control, armó el proyecto ejecutivo y es responsable de la programación y puesta en marcha. La empresa se apoya en sus más de 30 años de experiencia en el desarrollo de soluciones de automatización y control de edificios como hospitales, hoteles, aeropuertos, centros comerciales e industrias, entre otros.

Premio NOVA

ISAI CONTROLES was nominated to the National Award of Innovation (“Premio NOVA”) it is initiative of the National Agency of Investigation and Innovation of Uruguay.

That is, we’ve been recognized for our innovative services and supplies to “intelligent buildings”.

For us who work for the company this nomination is a huge honor, which, in spite of being just a recognition is important because we were selected among hundreds of companies; that nomination itself is yet a success.

It will be very difficult to win the award because we are competing with very big and important companies in Uruguay.

There is also an audience award among the nominees, which is voted through the Internet. That’s why we are starting a campaign for votes and that’s why we are asking you to vote and to invite your friends and contacts to vote on ISAI CONTROLES.

Please, follow the link:

or go to then to “INNOVADOR DEL PUBLICO” and then search for ISAI Controles on the list and…. Vote!!!

Thanks for your support!

SimplyVAV – de Fácil InstalaciĂłn

The SimplyVAV series of controllers are an easy and unique approach to operating a wide variety of VAV terminal units. The integrated actuators, internal airflow sensors, and wide variety of application programs make these BACnet Application Specific controllers ideal for either new or retrofit installations.

Easy to install. 
Just mount the controller, wire it to a 24 volt transformer, and then connect airflow and temperature sensors. A SimplyVAV controller automatically detects sensors as they are connected without special programming or software tools.

Simple, menu driven setup.
 The controllers feature simple, menu driven setup choices. No special programming skills or software tools are required to choose applications, enter setpoints, set network addressing, and balance airflow. All options can be set by using only an STE-8001 sensor which can be installed as the permanent room sensor or temporarily connected as a technician’s service tool.

New or retrofit applications. The SimplyVAV controllers are ideal for new installations or upgrades of older, less efficient controllers.

SimplyVAV was developed to address the need for simplicity in digital variable air volume projects.

  • It abandons the complexity traditionally inherent in such projects.
  • It’s an economical way to meet the project requirements for either standalone operation or automated/integrated systems.
  • It represents a game-changing approach that will save you time, money, and trouble.

For more information visit


El AppStat simplifica el control

For those who need to easily and efficiently control fan coil units, rooftop units, or heat pump units, there’s an AppStat for that. “AppStat” refers to a new series of BACnet communicating thermostats from KMC Controls.  Each model in the series combines a BACnet applications specific controller and sensor options into an attractive, space-mounted device.


“We designed AppStat” says KMC Product Manager, Erich Kreuter, “as a cost-effective alternative for unitary control in commercial or institutional applications.  AppStat is equally suited to standalone environmental control or as part of an integrated BACnet control system.”

The visual appeal of AppStat is accented by the overall design, a color LCD screen, and soft-touch buttons.  Through the screen and buttons, installers and users can completely configure the devices and access various menu options.

“Intuitive set-up and operation,” says Kreuter, “were essential considerations for us in this offering.  We consider it installer friendly and operator easy.  And, we can also customize the design or functionality to specific OEM requirements.”

Various feature options are available for each of the included applications.  Such features include modulating versus on/off operation of associated components, such as valves and fans, as well as control for components such as economizers.  Sensor options, beyond standard temperature sensing, include humidity and motion/occupancy.

KMC has launched a product-specific microsite ( for those needing further information.  The site is optimized for both desktop and mobile users.

El FlexStat Gana el Premio Sustentabilidad

Tuesday, April 24, 2012 – Charlotte, North Carolina

The Green Thinker Network announced that the FlexStat, from KMC Controls, won the Sustainability 2012 competition in the Heating and AC & Plumbing category. promotes sustainable products and services in the building industry. According to its web site, it was created by a small group of architects and engineers seeking to partner with those who truly want to “make a difference.” The web site features only “green building products and service providers who utilize innovative building practices and eco design solutions.” The goal of the second annual competition was to raise awareness of alternative methods of building construction and operation.