Central Building of Faculty and Institute of Chemistry, Montevideo, Uruguay

The Faculty of Chemistry is a member of the University of the Republic in Montevideo, Uruguay. Its main building is located at Avenida Gral. Flores 2124. It has 3156 students enrolled and is the only university service dedicated to the teaching and development of chemistry.

Project completed

Supply and installation of fire detection and alarm system with 483 points installed and an access control system.

Albrook Cinemark Los Pueblos Cinemark, Panama

Cinemark is the largest and most important Pan-American cinema chain, with 5,000 movie theaters worldwide, introduced the best technology in cinemas more than 9 years ago to the Panamanian market, innovating with the stadium-type rooms and the most modern theaters for the country and the Central American region.

Project completed

Supply, project and startup, of the air conditioning control, includes Total Control software, in both cinema complex.

Turabo University, Puerto Rico

The Universidad del Turabo, part of the Ana G. Mendez University System, is a professional institution that offers academic studies from technical certificates to doctorates.

Project completed

Automatic control system for air conditioning, lighting and energy monitoring for all University campuses, information centralized in a Total Control software.

Sergio Cardoso Theater, San Pablo, Brazil

The Sergio Cardoso Theater is a Brazilian theater founded in 1980 on Barbosa Street, in San Pablo. It has two rooms: Sergio Cardoso’s room and the Paschal Carlos Magno room.

Project completed

KMDigital Control system and WinControl XL Plus supervision software for the air conditioning of theater Sergio Cardoso and theater Pascual, as well as the reception and access to both theaters.

Pinacoteca Station and Pinacoteca of the State, San Pablo, Brazil

The Pinacoteca of the State of San Pablo is a Brazilian cultural institution dependent on the Ministry of Culture of the State of San Pablo. Its main headquarters are in the Jardim da Luz, in the City of San Pablo.

Project completed

KMDigital Control system and WinControl XL Plus supervision software for the control of temperature and humidity by fancoil of the exhibition halls, restoration and technical warehouse. Control of the ice water plant (7 chillers and 14 water pumps).