BGH Industrial Plant, Rio Grande, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

BGH is a technology company founded in 1913. It is a company with more than 100 years of experience in innovation, development and marketing of technology to the world.

Project completed

KMC LA carried out the executive project and execution of the KMC Controls intelligent control system automation for the air conditioning and heating system of the industrial plant, through a BACnet network of FlexStat series controllers, including TotalControl software for web monitoring.

UPS Refrigeration Chamber, Cajamar, Brazil, Santiago, Chile and y DF, Mexico< !--:-->

Founded in 1907 as a courier company in the United States, UPS has become a multimillionaire corporation with a clear goal to make commerce possible throughout the world. Currently UPS or “United Parcel Service Inc.”, is an international company that carries one of the most recognized brands in the world.

Project completed

Redundant control system for the cooling system, with alarms sent by e-mail, with several KMC products, the same system in the three UPS chambers in the three mentioned cities.

BIC Amazonia, Manaus, Brazil

BIC is a family business that is listed on the Paris stock exchange and is also a world leader in the sale of stationery, lighters and shavers. For more than 60 years BIC has lived up to the tradition of providing simple, ingenious, reliable and high-quality options for everyone, anytime and anywhere.

Project completed

BACnet control system from KMC Controls for air conditioning, with Total Control software.

Essilor from Amazonia, Manaos, Brazil

The French company Essilor is the world leader in ophthalmic lenses. Present in 5 continents and with 32 factories, the Essilor Group’s business also covers the manufacture and sale of optical instruments.

Project completed

BACnet control system from KMC Controls for air conditioning, energy monitoring and water consumption, with Total Control software.

Hyatt Hotel, Bogota, Colombia

It is the most luxurious hotel in Bogota with 50 suites, 371 rooms, semi-Olympic pool and one of the largest spas in South America.

Project completed

Air conditioning and lighting control and monitoring system, using the KMC Building Controller and webserver, BACnet KMC controllers in MSTP network and 7 “color BACnet touchscreen console.”.

Anita Moreno Hospital, Los Santos, Panama

The Regional Hospital of Azuero Anita Moreno is a health center of public ownership, administered by the Ministry of Health of Panama. It is located on the road to Las Tablas in the city of La Villa de Los Santos, in the province of Los Santos.

Project completed

KMC BACnet control system for the air conditioning, including selection and supply of valves for 56 air handling units, controller/actuator/air flow sensor SimplyVAV for 585 VAV boxes, and control for chillers and pumps.

Central Building of Faculty and Institute of Chemistry, Montevideo, Uruguay

The Faculty of Chemistry is a member of the University of the Republic in Montevideo, Uruguay. Its main building is located at Avenida Gral. Flores 2124. It has 3156 students enrolled and is the only university service dedicated to the teaching and development of chemistry.

Project completed

Supply and installation of fire detection and alarm system with 483 points installed and an access control system.

Turabo University, Puerto Rico

The Universidad del Turabo, part of the Ana G. Mendez University System, is a professional institution that offers academic studies from technical certificates to doctorates.

Project completed

Automatic control system for air conditioning, lighting and energy monitoring for all University campuses, information centralized in a Total Control software.

Albrook Cinemark Los Pueblos Cinemark, Panama

Cinemark is the largest and most important Pan-American cinema chain, with 5,000 movie theaters worldwide, introduced the best technology in cinemas more than 9 years ago to the Panamanian market, innovating with the stadium-type rooms and the most modern theaters for the country and the Central American region.

Project completed

Supply, project and startup, of the air conditioning control, includes Total Control software, in both cinema complex.

ISA, Medellin, Colombia

ISA is a relevant multi-layered business group recognized in the Electric Power, Roads and Telecommunications systems of Colombia

Project completed

Monitoring of temperatura and humidity and air conditioning control in the Central Data Center of the Group.(principal electric energy distributor in Colombia).

Patio Design Shopping, Santa Cruz, Bolivia

Patio Design Lifestyle Center is the first lifestyle center in Bolivia. A meeting point where plants and fountains merge with fashion and gastronomic offer

Project completed

There is a 12.000 sqm parking area with monitoring and extraction system of carbon monoxide that ensures the quality of the air. The system works with BACnet controllers and CO meters from KMC Controls guarantee quality and reliability

Gran Plaza Bosa, Bogota, Colombia

The shopping center is in one of the largest towns in the South of Bogota and has for its visitors a commercial, service and entertainment offer unique in the area.

Project completed

Programming and graphic interface of the carbon monoxide extraction equipment in the three basement levels of the shopping center. Smoke extraction equipment was also integrated in 16 food stores.

Falabella Diver Plaza, Bogota and Fallabella, Villavicencio, Colombia

Falabella is one of the largest and most consolidated companies in Latin America. It develops its commercial activity through several business areas, being the main ones, the department store, large surfaces, improvement and construction of the home, commercial financing company CMR, bank, travel and Falabella insurance.

Project completed

Integration of mechanical ventilation equipment and variable volume boxes. A list of integration variables was delivered to be monitored and manipulated from the central BMS of Falabella Colombia

Sensor de Movimiento para exterior

It is an outdoor motion detector, which uses two independent passive infrared sensors. Both sensors must be triggered at the same time for the detector to cause an alarm. Pyro quad technology is used to perform accurate and reliable motion detection. Programmable options include a variable pulse counter and a selection of three detection ranges.

Pucallpa Hospital, Pucallpa, Peru

The Regional Health Hospital of Pucallpa is a regional public health care facility. It is in the city of Pucallpa created in 1946 as the first hospital in the region according to the census

Project in progress

ISAI did the BMS executive project in all areas, including more than 500 control points for air conditioning, lighting and other utilities. The whole BMS was done with KMC from USA, approved brand by CMO Consortium and the corresponding government authorities. JOB PARALIZED DUE TO COVID-19 PANDEMIC.

Hospital Anita Moreno

El nuevo Hospital Anita Moreno​, administrado por el Ministerio de Salud de Panamá, es un novedoso modelo de atención de salud mental que será pionero en Latinoamérica. Finalizará sus obras en el transcurso de este año 2017 con una capacidad de internación de 256 camas (120 en psiquiatría y 136 en área general).

El centro hospitalario beneficiará a una población de 200 mil habitantes de la región de La Villa de Los Santos (al suroeste de la ciudad de Panamá) y contará con tecnología de última generación en equipos e insumos médicos destinados a una unidad especializada en atención psiquiátrica, en los servicios de consulta externa, especialidades, urgencias, atención ambulatoria, cuidados intensivos, hospitalización, laboratorio y patología.

TecnologĂ­a KMC en automatizaciĂłn y control

El Hospital cuenta con un Sistema de Aire Acondicionado Central por agua fría de alta eficiencia, suministrado por la empresa GR Ingeniería de Panamá. Está compuesto por 56 manejadoras de aire, 585 cajas VAV (Volumen de Aire Variable), 4 Chillers Daikin con arranque tipo VFD air cooled screw compressor, c/u de 521 Ton, 4 bombas de 125 HP con VFD, dos trabajan en paralelo y dos de backup.

El proyecto de este Hospital estableciĂł que el aire acondicionado debĂ­a estar controlado por un sistema de control inteligente en red para poder operar eficientemente y de esa manera ahorrar energĂ­a. Al mismo tiempo, asegurar las condiciones de temperatura requeridas en los distintos ambientes, siendo el block quirĂşrgico y los laboratorios aspectos crĂ­ticos.

El sistema de control seleccionado y que se está instalando en todo el Hospital es de KMC Controls, con protocolo BACnet, incluye el control de cada caja VAV, control completo de las manejadoras, válvulas de control KMC, control de bombas y ventiladores, así como el monitoreo y habilitación de Chillers. La red KMC incluirá más de 640 controladores KMC con protocolo BACnet MS/TP y 22 routersBACnet de KMC, que forman la red IP BACnet, la cual se conectará con un servidor donde corre el software web TotalControl de KMC, con capacidad ilimitada de puntos, tags y accesos web. Tanto en la red informática local del Hospital o vía web, con interfaces gráfica intuitivas, se tendrán todos los datos al día de lo que sucede con el aire acondicionado y su consumo energético en todo el edificio. Además, quienes tienen las autorizaciones respectivas podrán interactuar con el sistema en forma local o remota.


Para cumplir con los estándares de calidad y los requisitos del proyecto del sistema de control se recurrió a la ingeniería de la empresa ISAI de Uruguay. Sus profesionales estudiaron los planos, la documentación y visitaron la obra para adecuar el proyecto básico a una solución a medida del cliente, cumpliendo con todos los requisitos con el menor costo posible. ISAI realizó la selección de cada uno de los equipos del sistema de control, armó el proyecto ejecutivo y es responsable de la programación y puesta en marcha. La empresa se apoya en sus más de 30 años de experiencia en el desarrollo de soluciones de automatización y control de edificios como hospitales, hoteles, aeropuertos, centros comerciales e industrias, entre otros.

Controladores BACNet, BAC-5901C y BAC-5901CE

BAC-5900 series, programmable, general purpose, controllers are designed to control building systems and HVAC equipment. The integrated alarming, scheduling, and trending enable these BACnet Advanced Application Controllers to be powerful edge devices for the modern smart building ecosystem.
The controllers feature simple, menu-driven setup choices using an STE-9000 series digital sensor, which can be installed permanently as the room sensor or used temporarily as a technician’s service tool.
Alternately, quick configuration of controller properties can be done using NFC (Near Field Communication) from a smart phone or tablet (using KMC Connect Lite app) while the controller is unpowered.
To meet the most demanding building automation custom requirements, these controllers are also fully programmable. Custom configuration and programming, with wizards for application programming selection/configuration, are enabled by KMC Connect software and the KMC Converge app for NiagaraAX Workbench.
KMC Converge and TotalControl software additionally provide the capability of creating custom graphical web pages (hosted on a remote web server) to use as a custom user-interface for the controllers.
They can be used with the following types of equipment: air handling units, boilers, chillers, pumps, cooling towers, roof top units, heat pump units, fan coil units, unit ventilators, and other HVAC and building automation system equipment.
Each BAC-5901 has 8 universal inputs and 8 universal outputs, which can be expanded up to 40 inputs and 40 outputs using CAN-5900 Series I/O Expansion Modules.

BAC-5901s can be used to control the following types of equipment: air handling units, boilers, chillers, pumps, cooling towers, roof top units, heat pump units, fan coil units, unit ventilators, and other HVAC and building automation system equipment.

Sensores de Temperatura de la Serie STE-1400

STE-1400 Series 10,000 ohm, Type III thermistor, temperature sensors are available in different housings for surface, duct, duct averaging, immersion, strap-on, and outside air applications. All probes are constructed to provide good heat transfer and fast response. The averaging sensors are available in both plenum-rated cable or with a copper probe.

Router modelo BAC-5051E

The KMC Controls BAC-5051E is a multi-port BACnet router. This compact router is powerful enough for heavy network traffic and small enough to use as a control technician’s service tool.
Install the BAC-5051E for BACnet IP, Ethernet, and MS/TP routing. The IP routing is fully compliant with BACnet Standard 134-2012, Annex J.
Configure the BAC-5051E using only an Internet browser. No special software to learn or load.
Meets the BACnet Testing Labs B-RTR profile for a BACnet router.


Sprinklers are installed according to the requested specifications for each specific case. All of them have UL/FM seals.
There are many types of sprinklers: Mounted, hanging, for the walls, hidden or specialized for storage. Of fast or standard response, for a specific temperature range and K factor requested.
Termination painted bronze, chrome or white with embellishing ring.

Bocas de incendio equipadas

The equipped fire hydrants are composed of a red metal enclosure with a glass door, a 25mm or 45mm globe valve, one or two hose sections, a kit of Storz fittings, and a multi-task or direct jet pointer.

TuberĂ­a Hierro Negro

The piping is made of Black Iron cell 20, using a grooved by cold embossing system, with grooved type UL/FM parts and accessories.
The threaded pipes, are made of Black Iron cell 40 with threaded parts of equivalent properties, according to NFPA 13.
The entire piping is painted with an anti-oxide base and a vermillion paint or a color of the client’s choice.

Panel Central Análogico Direccionable Serie S3

Projected for small and medium applications, the Gamewell-S3 Series addressable analog central panel provides a better solution to the market’s needs, with all the characteristics into the same equipment, with greater reliability and performance than any other of its type.
The basic control panel provides a loop of 126 addresses expandable up to 2 .

Sistema de supresiĂłn de incendios por agente limpio

The clean agent fire suspension system from Janus Fire Systems uses FM-200® or Novec™ 1230 as extinguishing agent.
FM‑200® is a colorless, non toxic gas, ideal for the protection of great value goods in zones that tend to be occupied by people, in places where the cleaning of other agents is problematic (other extinguishing agents characteristic residues), whenever there is a restricted place for the storage of a fire extinguishing agent, or whenever a non electric conductor agent is needed.
Novec 1230 is a transparent, colourless, and almost odorless liquid, ideal for the protection of great value goods in zones that tend to be occupied, in places where the cleaning of other agents is problematic (other extinguishing agents characteristic residues), whenever there is a restricted place for the storage of a fire extinguishing agent, or whenever a non electric conductor agent is needed.
The Novec 1230 (FK-5-1-12) liquid is composed by carbon, fluorine and oxygen. The primary extinguishing mechanism of the Novec 1230 liquid is the abortion of heat, with a secondary chemist input through the thermal decomposition of the Novec 1230 liquid by the flames. The Novec 1230 liquid does not leave any residues and it is safe to use in occupied areas.
The NOvec 1230 liquid is a highly fluorinated ketone, that does not contain either chlorine or bromine. Thus, the PAO (Potencial de Agotamiento del Ozono) of the Novec 1230 liquid is zero, so it does not affect the stratospheric ozone. The Novec 1230 liquid has a lifetime on the atmosphere of only 0.014 years.

MĂłdulos de expansiĂłn I/O, CAN-5901

These input/output expansion modules are designed for use with KMC BAC-5900 series controllers. Multiple CAN-5901s can be connected to a controller via a CAN bus. Each CAN-5901 supports up to eight universal inputs and eight universal outputs. For example, a BAC-5901 with four connected CAN-5901s could access up to (internal and external) 40 inputs and 40 outputs connected via terminal blocks.

Sensor TĂ©rmico analĂłgico direccionable

The thermal detector has an open case that allows air to enter, for optimal contact between the temperature sensor and the environment.

A measure of temperature is transmitted as an output voltage proportional to the air temperature. The analog signal is then processed and digitally transmitted to the Fire Control Panel.

Premio NOVA

ISAI CONTROLES was nominated to the National Award of Innovation (“Premio NOVA”) it is initiative of the National Agency of Investigation and Innovation of Uruguay.

That is, we’ve been recognized for our innovative services and supplies to “intelligent buildings”.

For us who work for the company this nomination is a huge honor, which, in spite of being just a recognition is important because we were selected among hundreds of companies; that nomination itself is yet a success.

It will be very difficult to win the award because we are competing with very big and important companies in Uruguay.

There is also an audience award among the nominees, which is voted through the Internet. That’s why we are starting a campaign for votes and that’s why we are asking you to vote and to invite your friends and contacts to vote on ISAI CONTROLES.

Please, follow the link:

or go to then to “INNOVADOR DEL PUBLICO” and then search for ISAI Controles on the list and…. Vote!!!

Thanks for your support!

Servicio de ProgramaciĂłn

ISAI provides programming services, logic design and controls and KMC Controls start up, with KMDigital or BACnet protocols. The services can be remote via Internet or in the field. ISAI has 30 years of experience in the controls area and specifically with KMC products since 1996.
We also provide programming services, logic design, detail engineering and Advanced, Apollo, Bosch and Gamewel lfire detection and extinction systems start up.
If technical assistance is required for any of the mentioned systems, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Servicios de mantenimiento

We provide maintenance service to all of our installed systems.

Automatic control systems KMC Controls.
Fire detection and fire suppression.
Access control.
Systems integration.
Monitoring Web.
For quotes and service requests please contact us.


AppStatThe BAC-4000 Series is an easily and efficiently thermostat to control fan coil units, rooftop units, or heat pump units. “AppStat” refers to a new series of BACnet communicating thermostats from KMC Controls, factory programmed.  Each model in the series combines a BACnet applications specific controller and sensor options into an attractive, space-mounted device.

The visual appeal of AppStat is accented by the overall design, a color LCD screen, and soft-touch buttons.  Through the screen and buttons, installers and users can completely configure the devices and access various menu options.

Various feature options are available for each of the included applications.  Such features include modulating versus on/off operation of associated components, such as valves and fans, as well as control for components such as economizers.  Sensor options, beyond standard temperature sensing, include humidity and motion/occupancy.

SimplyVAV – de Fácil InstalaciĂłn

The SimplyVAV series of controllers are an easy and unique approach to operating a wide variety of VAV terminal units. The integrated actuators, internal airflow sensors, and wide variety of application programs make these BACnet Application Specific controllers ideal for either new or retrofit installations.

Easy to install. 
Just mount the controller, wire it to a 24 volt transformer, and then connect airflow and temperature sensors. A SimplyVAV controller automatically detects sensors as they are connected without special programming or software tools.

Simple, menu driven setup.
 The controllers feature simple, menu driven setup choices. No special programming skills or software tools are required to choose applications, enter setpoints, set network addressing, and balance airflow. All options can be set by using only an STE-8001 sensor which can be installed as the permanent room sensor or temporarily connected as a technician’s service tool.

New or retrofit applications. The SimplyVAV controllers are ideal for new installations or upgrades of older, less efficient controllers.

SimplyVAV was developed to address the need for simplicity in digital variable air volume projects.

  • It abandons the complexity traditionally inherent in such projects.
  • It’s an economical way to meet the project requirements for either standalone operation or automated/integrated systems.
  • It represents a game-changing approach that will save you time, money, and trouble.

For more information visit


El AppStat simplifica el control

For those who need to easily and efficiently control fan coil units, rooftop units, or heat pump units, there’s an AppStat for that. “AppStat” refers to a new series of BACnet communicating thermostats from KMC Controls.  Each model in the series combines a BACnet applications specific controller and sensor options into an attractive, space-mounted device.


“We designed AppStat” says KMC Product Manager, Erich Kreuter, “as a cost-effective alternative for unitary control in commercial or institutional applications.  AppStat is equally suited to standalone environmental control or as part of an integrated BACnet control system.”

The visual appeal of AppStat is accented by the overall design, a color LCD screen, and soft-touch buttons.  Through the screen and buttons, installers and users can completely configure the devices and access various menu options.

“Intuitive set-up and operation,” says Kreuter, “were essential considerations for us in this offering.  We consider it installer friendly and operator easy.  And, we can also customize the design or functionality to specific OEM requirements.”

Various feature options are available for each of the included applications.  Such features include modulating versus on/off operation of associated components, such as valves and fans, as well as control for components such as economizers.  Sensor options, beyond standard temperature sensing, include humidity and motion/occupancy.

KMC has launched a product-specific microsite ( for those needing further information.  The site is optimized for both desktop and mobile users.

Laboratorios Life, Quito, Ecuador

It is distinguished by being the first sales laboratory in units in Ecuador. It has been more than 70 years offering products and services in the area of health.

Project completed

KMC control system for the cleanroom air-conditioning area for the weighing of raw material and two C4 heavy-duty booths with 3 filtration stages. KMC WinControl supervision software, this year passing to TotalControl, which allows the monitoring and control of the laminar flow velocity, saturation state of filters for maintenance and cleaning, as well as all variables involved in the booths.

ECOLAB Laboratories, Las Americas free zone, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Ecolab is the world leader in water, hygiene and energy technologies and services that provide clean water, safe food, abundant energy and healthy environments. It is present in more than 170 countries around the world.

Project completed

Monitoring and Control of air conditioning systems applied to clean rooms. The system includes the control of the equipment to maintain positive pressure within the production areas, integration of compressed air generation system, water treatment and electrical measurement.

COCA-COLA, Femsa, Montevideo, Uruguay

Coca-Cola Femsa is the largest public bottler of the Coca-Cola brand worldwide. They are present in 10 countries, operate 67 plants and have more than 2.8 million points of sale.

Project completed

Supply and installation of an addressable analog detection system with 6 networked panels, with more than 1000 elements, ammonia detection, hydrogen detection, methane gas detection, 4 panels of smoke detection system by aspiration, fire extinguishing by FM200 and water extinguishing system.

Merck Laboratory, Montevideo, Uruguay

Merck Laboratory is a truly global company, with around 52,000 employees in 66 countries working on innovative solutions and technologies. Its headquarters in Uruguay is one of the strategic places to provide services from Montevideo to the region.

Project completed

Project, supply, installation, programming and commissioning of the KMC Controls intelligent control system for the air conditioning system in clean rooms, packing rooms and offices. Supply and installation of the fire detection system, including the software and its programming from the monitoring center of Zonamerica.

ORACLE, Bogota, Colombia and ORACLE (Rambla Rep. de Mexico Bldg.), Montevideo, Uruguay

Oracle is the number one supplier of business software, with a broad portfolio of solutions for companies of all sizes. Today, 430,000 customers in 175 countries use Oracle technologies to take advantage of business opportunities and solve real and tangible challenges.

Project completed

Intelligent air conditioning control, including sensors, actuators, BACnet controllers and KMC TotalControl software.

FORD Manufacturing Plant, Irapuato, Mexico

The plant is in Mexico since 1925, with a solid presence in the country. It has 8,700 employees and 5 production plants where they manufacture vehicles, engines and transmissions

Project completed

Automatic control system for air conditioning equipment that provide service to the production area. Local monitoring through touch screens and integration to third-party BMS system.

Holiday Inn Hotel San Isidro, Lima, Peru

Offering an outdoor pool, Holiday Inn Express – Lima San Isidro is in Lima, 3.4 km from Museo de la Nacion. The property has a fitness center located in San Isidro district, 6 km from Larcomar and San MartĂ­n Square.

Project completed

Lighting control and monitoring system, electric power by integrating ModBus to BACnet, in KMC TotalControl software.

Holiday Inn Hotel Piura, Lima, Peru

The Holiday Inn Piura will consist of 6 floors and 118 rooms, has a privileged location on two of the primary roads of the road network of the city of Piura, next to the Plaza del Sol shopping center that complements the offer of entertainment, gastronomy and shopping to users of the hotel.

Project completed

Lighting control and monitoring system, electric power by integrating ModBus to BACnet, in KMC TotalControl software.

Holiday Inn Hotel, Montevideo, Uruguay

The Holiday Inn Montevideo is a modern and functional 4-star executive class hotel. It has a first-class convention center with nine multipurpose rooms that serve national and international events.

Project completed

Intelligent Control System with KMC software. ISAI was responsible for the engineering, project, installation and commissioning of the intelligent control system for energy management, lighting, HVAC, fire control, access control, CCTV and audio. Building features: 20,600 square meters, 10 floors, 135 rooms, 9 conference rooms with a total capacity of 450 people, restaurant, pool, etc., system with 1000 control points.

N.H. Columbia Hotel, Montevideo, Uruguay

The Hotel NH Columbia is located on the Rambla Sur, in the Old Town and has a privileged view of the coast. It is a 4-star hotel located on the seafront, ready to receive business or pleasure travelers. It has 136 rooms with private bathroom.

Project completed

KMC Centralized Control System for the thermal conditioning system of all the common areas of the hotel. Control of chillers and boilers in machine room.

Grand Palladium Imbassai Resort & Spa, Salvador, BRAZIL

It is located just 10 minutes’ walk from Imbassai, near the town of Praia do Forte and about 45 minutes from Salvador airport. It is a 5-star and all inclusive, has a total of 864 spacious and modern rooms.

Project completed

KMC Centralized Control System for the thermal conditioning system of all the common areas of the hotel. Control of chillers and boilers in machine room.

Grand Palladium Kantenah Resort & Spa, Riviera Maya, MEXICO

The Grand Palladium Kantenah Resort & Spa is a 5-star hotel in the heart of Riviera Maya, just 30 minutes’ drive from Playa del Carmen and Tulum. It receives that name for its impressive architecture and its refined decoration of Spanish colonial style.

Project completed

Air conditioning and lighting automation system for the 422 rooms. BACnet open protocol, monitored by a TotalControl that can be seen from anywhere in the world. This software is also integrating the entire control system of our competitors, which was already installed in the common areas. It is also integrated with the hotel’s check-in / check-out software to determine whether the room is rented or not and then run different programs automatically.

Sergio Cardoso Theater, San Pablo, Brazil

The Sergio Cardoso Theater is a Brazilian theater founded in 1980 on Barbosa Street, in San Pablo. It has two rooms: Sergio Cardoso’s room and the Paschal Carlos Magno room.

Project completed

KMDigital Control system and WinControl XL Plus supervision software for the air conditioning of theater Sergio Cardoso and theater Pascual, as well as the reception and access to both theaters.

Pinacoteca Station and Pinacoteca of the State, San Pablo, Brazil

The Pinacoteca of the State of San Pablo is a Brazilian cultural institution dependent on the Ministry of Culture of the State of San Pablo. Its main headquarters are in the Jardim da Luz, in the City of San Pablo.

Project completed

KMDigital Control system and WinControl XL Plus supervision software for the control of temperature and humidity by fancoil of the exhibition halls, restoration and technical warehouse. Control of the ice water plant (7 chillers and 14 water pumps).

EPSA, Cali, Colombia

EPSA is the energy company of Grupo Argos with an innovative portfolio focused on energy efficiency that seeks to provide sustainability to cities, productivity to companies and better quality of life for households. It is present in Colombia, Panama and Costa Rica and a generating capacity of 2,399 MW from 28 hydroelectric, thermal, photovoltaic and wind power plants that generated 6,317 GWh per year in 2017.

Project completed

Control of the air conditioning system


Telcel is a Mexican telecommunications company belonging to the America Movil group. It is the third largest telecommunications provider in the world and first in Latin America.

Project completed

Remote Monitoring with TotalControl software installed at the principal headquearters of Telcel at Carso Square in Mexico City of 13 CACs, Customer Assistance Centers. Those CACs are: Paseo Acoxpa, Aragon, San Angel, Cuemanco, Luna Park and Nicolas Romero in the State of Mexico, Huajuapan, Oaxaca III and Huatulco in Oaxaca, Tepatitlan, Tesistan and Ninos Heroes in Jalisco, Zentura Zamora in Michoacan. Plus 10 CACs to be connected in the near future

Link Tower, Lima, Peru

The Link Tower office building is a 17-story building. With a total of 420,000 square feet, it offers smartly designed floor plans to meet the demand of small and medium-sized businesses.

Project completed

BTU measurement and monitoring system for each office and control of ventilation with KMC BACnet.

Metlife, Tower of the Professionals, Montevideo, Uruguay

MetLife, Inc. is a global leader in insurance, retirement products and employee benefit programs serving 90 million customers in 50 countries. Leader in markets such as the United States, Japan, Latin America, Asia Pacific, Europe and the Middle East.

Project completed

Supply and Installation of Fire Detection and Extinction Systems, addressable analog panel with 100 detectors and modules, and conventional firefighting system.

Executive Tower Building Presidency of the Republic, Uruguay

The Executive Tower is the seat of the Executive Power of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, where the office of the President of the Republic is located. The building is located next to the Old City of Montevideo, capital of Uruguay, in front of the historic Plaza Independencia.

Project completed

Supply and Installation of Fire Alarm Detection System with 646 points installed, Hydraulic Extinguishing System composed of 1231 sprinklers and 45 fire hydrants with pump room. In addition, IP CCTV System with 77 cameras, IP Access Control System.

Zonamerica, Montevideo, Uruguay

Zonamerica is a business and technology park located in Uruguay that operates under the framework of the Free Zones Law since 1990. About 10,000 people in 350 companies work in 30 buildings in Zonamérica.

Project completed

Complex of more than 35 buildings in several hectares, each with an analogue fire control, addressable, interconnected by IP. This is one of the largest fire detection jobs, with more than 20,000 elements (detectors, push buttons, horns, etc.). Fire extinguishing by water in M2, Julius Bar, and other buildings. Extinction by clean agent, FM200 and Novec, in Data Center. It also includes the intelligent control with KMC of two buildings.

Itau Bank WTC, Montevideo, Uruguay

(Itau Bank in Montevideo is a financial institution, originally from Brazil, where people and companies can obtain different solutions and contract different services.

Project completed

Located at the Word Trade Center of Montevideo tower. Intelligent control systemfor the air conditioning and temperature monitoring with the use of Flex Statand Total Controls from KMC.

Puerto de Santos, Santos – BRASIL

Puerto de Santos

The Port of Santos is the main port of Brazil and Latin America. It is located in the city of Santos, in the State of SĂŁo Paulo and it has an area of 7,770,000 square meters.

Located 70 kilometers from the largest city in South America, SĂŁo Paulo, is the output port to the outside of the main industrial districts of Great SĂŁo Paulo and the industrial complex, CubatĂŁo.

KMC IntelligentControl System with fiber optics communication and operation workstation.

Aeropuerto de BelĂ©m, Pará – BRASIL

Aeroporto de Para

The Belem Internacionl Airport or Val de Cans International Airport manages domestic and international air traffic of Belém and is the biggest airport in northern Brazil. It has an area of more than 33,000 sq meters.

Technical advising and supply of KMC Controls sensors, valves, actuators for the air conditioning control. Contracted from EIT company, with the technical approval of INFRAERO.

La Quinta Shopping, Bucaramanga, Colombia

In one of the most elegant shopping centers in Colombia. It has a built area of 49,000 square meters, pedestrian bridge and an automatic removable dome. Located in the commercial heart of the city of Bucaramanga, on Carrera 36, one of the main roads of the city

Project completed

The complete integration of the air conditioning system of the shopping center was made, which is composed of 12 UMAS of constant volume, ice water plant and 8 food extractors. Likewise, the graphical user interface was developed with TotalControl, including the relevant variables of each group.