
KMC Controls

The KMC system was designed on the basis of a flexible architecture, for which is easily adaptable to any kind of building. The basic architecture is formed by multiple programmable controllers and a Work Station, consisting of one standard PC with the KMC software, where the operator is able to monitor and control any point of the system in a tabular as in a graphical way. There is no need of informatics knowledge by the operator, because the operation of the terminal is very friendly, just to know the building would be enough.



This software offers Internet based services to manage one building automation system for small, medium and great ventures. The TotalControl is a flexible solution with multiple possibilities to develop the features that the automation system may require, independently from the systems’ complexity.

Components included Alarm management service, Trend logging service, Internet browser accessibility modules, Transfer values between controllers on dissimilar protocols with Protocol Gateway, an SQL database for centralized data storage, Internet Access with Internet Explorer or similar.