Variador de frecuencia Sinus Santerno


• One product, 3 functions:
– For general applications, vector modulation IFD software
– For heavy torque performance, sensorless vector control VTC software
– For specific lift applications, vector modulation LIFT software
• Integrated filters on the full range in compliance with EN61800-3 2nd ed. about RFI emission limits
• Input contactor not necessary (doc. IEC 22G/109/NP draft of IEC61800-5 Safety requirements)
• Reduced dimensions up to 50%
• Intelligent cooling system
• Integrated braking chopper up to S30
• accepts over load 200% max torque for 5 seconds
• PID regulator
• 8 programmable inputs; 4 programmable analog inputs 0-10Vdc, 0(4)-20mA
• Serial communication RS485 with MODBUS RTU protocol